Wednesday, May 7, 2008

-One last thing-

I forgot to mention that i was at my friend's house the other day and we were looking at a list of Time Magazine's the most 100 influential people of all time. Let's just say Barack was on the list and at that he was # 3. Score! He's better than Hilary and McCain and a crap load of others. 

The Best Birthday Present

My birthday, May 3rd, Barack Obama won the Guam caucuses. Although he only won by 7 votes, he still won and that's what's important. The cool thing about the caucuses is that the winners so win by percentages like in state primaries, they just win altogether which is awesome. It was a sweet birthday present because it meant that Barack is totally radical! But then things took a bad turn when Hilary won Indiana by 51% which is so stupid. I couldn't believe she won by 1%. i demand a recount. She's lying. But then Barack won North Carolina by 56%! Thank sweet Jesus. So on November 4, 2008, Please in the name of all that is good, vote for Barack Obama that is all i have to say. 

OBAMA! There is no other...

Barack Obama and Hilary came to the not so great state of Pennsylvania and I had encounters with both. I saw Hilary outside one of the UArts school buildings and she looked like a gremlin. Then i went to see Obama speak in old city and let me tell you, after hearing him I don't believe there is any other choice for who should be president of this country. There was over 30,000 people there and the city of Philly went all out in support for him. I was so excited to see him win the state of PA but was utterly disappointed and pissed when I watched late Tuesday night only to see him lose to Hilary the devil. I truly believed PA was going to vote Barack but i guess I didn't think about the rest of the giant state. Philly seemed to be overwhelmingly Obama and I found out up toward Penn State the college kids were the same way. This gives me hope that he can still win and beat Hilary out of the race so that it can continue without all this crap about primaries still going on. It's really annoying that he can't just win already. There was a ton of press coverage on their appearances in PA and Obama was favored by most. 

Floridian confusion

There is a lot of junk going on about Florida and Michigan and basically the states are changing their minds and going back and forth between having their votes count and not count. Overall, it is not going to help my boy Obama win this thing so I'm not a big fan of the mess erupting. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


So apparently the media is having a field day over the fact that Obama is Mormon all of the sudden and he was accused of leading a cult. What gives? The whole thing died quickly but at the time was kind of ridiculous and shows how the media is searching for some dirt on Obama. Good luck finding it.

Hilary Shmilary and a little joke

So...SNL happened and it was funny but Hilary didn't think so, but then again she doesn't have a sense of humor, because she's a robot. Anyway she happened by some miracle to win both primaries which one might thinks helps her a great deal, but the truth is it didn't do that much. Because of the whole SNL thing she's being a huge baby about stuff and she isn't getting hit that hard by the media coverage, luck her. Obama is still my pick as usual. Despite her wins, her campaign is a bit sour, and Fox news has taken on my persona, claiming that her wins means nothing essentially, which I agree with. This should be interesting. 

Take me home, Virginia

Our boy Obama wins another by taking Virginia with no mercy. Thank God. The news coverage made up for the usual straight and narrow that it has been, by actual giving Obama some credit and showing a little enthusiasm. He was given a lot of coverage over the matter considering it's his 6th win and quite a big deal as far as I'm concerned. The two beasts, CNN and FOX news were leading the way in excitement giving Obama the most they could with positive coverage and hopeful interest. Hilary, take that. Huckabee, McCain, I don't care but the news sometimes does and this time they said it was a steady race and no one was looking much better than the other at this point.